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Quality and tradition from Semice

Instalace FVE Družstvo BRAMKO CZ

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Členská schůze 9.8.2024

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Bramko Semice – Tradition Since 1992

Družstvo BRAMKO CZ was founded just in 2006 but its history dates back to 1992 when the Pavel Pokorný - BRAMKO Company was specialising in growing of field vegetable and potatoes. Potatoes, onion and cauliflower started to be grown on an area of 30 hectares. It was solely responsible for its sale without any assistance from other organisations.

Družstvo BRAMKO CZ marketing board is currently responsible for the sale of all grown vegetable. The Company is owned by production companies Pavel Pokorný – BRAMKO, Agáta spol. s.r.o., Bramko s.r.o., Semická s.r.o., Bruinsma Czech s.r.o. and Strudo. These Companies manage areas of app. 2500 ha. Areas of 650 ha is one of the Portuguese sister company Camposol II Lda.

There is something for everyone

The production strategy changed by entering business chains in 1999 – it is now more focused on treatment and packing of potatoes and vegetable for end customers.

At present there are contracts concluded with all big business chains in the Czech Republic and Slovakia whose logistic centres are supplied by our Company on a daily basis.

Apart from the business chains, we also supply goods to our wholesale customers each day, both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Since 2003, we have been exporting a large quantity of products to direct and indirect consumers in the neighbouring countries (Germany, Poland, Holland, Hungary, Sweden, Lithuania, Italy, France,…).

High-quality logistics

Družstvo BRAMKO CZ (hereinafter referred to as BRAMKO) disposes of a greatly organised transport capacity. Each day, its products are distributed by 40 - 50 trucks with a tonnage of 3 to 24 tons. Besides the central distribution centres around Prague, Bramko supplies wholesale vegetable stores within 800 km on a daily basis. Approximately 100,000 tons of Company products are distributed to customers each year.

Modern technologies respected

Most modern grow and harvest technologies are used on the agricultural land. An overwhelming majority of the farmed area is subject to an irrigation system. Introduction of GPS-controlled tractors is being prepared.

All objects are equipped with automatic atmosphere control systems. Distribution sheds are fitted with modern cooling systems and computer systems for goods checking and recording. Vegetable and potatoes processing manners are controlled by current requirements and needs of our end customers. Only by using the most modern post-harvest technologies we are able to ensure the best quality for our customers.

The quality is confirmed by obtaining GLOBALGAP, HACCP certificates and the IPZ certificate.

Fresh products every day

To supplement the assortment and satisfy the needs of customers, BRAMKO buys vegetable not only from neighbouring and more far-distant growers from the Czech Republic but also from foreign suppliers. For hese reasons we are able to provide our customers with commodities on 365 days a year. To ensure satisfaction of customers' needs, there are storage capacities of ice boxes for 8,000 tons of goods and stores for potatoes and onion of 17,000 tons.

Stable domestic company

Since 1992, we have obtained lots of valuable experience and become a respectable and stable company. Our offer of products is really complex, which you can see in our offer at these web pages. We hope you will like the offer so do not hesitate to contact us any time. We try to really satisfy each new customer.

Camposol II

The company engaged in the production of vegetables and carpet lawns of the highest quality. Located in the southwest of Portugal in the district of Beja.

Camposol II grows vegetables from the beginning of its existence. In 1996 the company decided to try on half a hectare to grow grass carpet. Due to the excellent climatic conditions and soil, these grass mats achieved the highest quality. Among the customers are football clubs from Spain, Portugal, France and Germany.


Czech Republic
